TOKIO's Nagase Tomoya (34) will star in a new drama series next year, his first lead role since “Unubore Deka” in 2010. The show, titled “Naku na, Hara-chan” (“Don’t Cry, Hara-chan”), will have Nagase playing a manga character who comes to life.
The screenplay is an original written by Okada Yoshikazu, whose previous credits include the 2001 NHK Asadora “Churasan” and the 2011 Asadora “Ohisama.” The main production staff will be the same as last year’s “Yokai Ningen Bem” drama series.
The female lead is an ordinary kamaboko factory worker named Echizen. Instead of writing a diary, she draws a manga in her notebook titled “Naku na, Hara-chan,” which revolves around a man named Hara-chan who is always blathering about his problems over drinks. One day, Hara-chan springs out of the 2-D world into the real, 3-D world, and he falls in love with Echizen.
Nagase will play Hara-chan, but the actress playing Echizen has not yet been revealed.
NTV will air “Naku na, Hara-chan” on Saturdays at 9:00pm, beginning in January 2013.
Sources: Mantan Web